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Thyroid profile 

This test allows to assess the functionality of the  thyroid gland  

(It is located in the neck, just in front of the trachea), responsible for producing hormones

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This test allows to assess the functionality of the  thyroid gland  (It is located in the neck, just in front of the trachea), responsible for producing hormones that regulate the basal metabolic rate (energy for cells to survive) of the body, growth, development (especially in the child and the fetus) and respiration, among other processes.

The  thyroid profile  is essential to rule out or confirm  thyroid conditions, specifically:

  • Hypothyroidism:  insufficient hormonal release that generates intolerance to cold,  constipation, mood swings, tiredness,  pains  muscular  (myalgia) and joints, brittle hair and nails, heavy menstruation, infertility problems and weight gain with decreased appetite.

  • Hyperthyroidism:  excessive production of hormones leading to fatigue, frequent bowel movements, intolerance to heat, increased appetite, profuse sweating, nervousness,  irregular periods  Y  lost  of weight.

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Important part of the  thyroid profile test  is the analysis of the  thyroid stimulating hormone  (TSH), which is produced by the  pituitary gland  It is the size of a pea and is located at the base of the brain.

Insufficient amounts of  thyroid hormones  (hypothyroidism) cause  pituitary gland  secrete more TSH to stimulate the thyroid to increase its hormonal production, however, if the pituitary gland malfunctions, it is also possible that it produces insufficient amounts of TSH and causes hypothyroidism .... Request Test Here 

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